Friday, October 24, 2014

Some Stuff for FRIDAY!

People! I'm back! Let's celebrate!

A few weeks ago, Hubs and I took a little trip to Charleston (read: Chahhhhhhlston), South Carolina for our first anniversary - and it was SUCH a glorious time!

We saw things like this:

And hiked to an old lighthouse!

And ran along the beach!

And then ate some awesome food!

Like that there BANANA BREAD FRENCH TOAST at The Lost Dog!!!!

Aaaaahh....I do love a good vacation.

Even though shortly after we came home I spent my days headbutting a CRAZY cold or whatnot for a couple of weeks.

I'm CONVINCED I sounded JUST LIKE Phoebe Buffay that time she got sick on Friends.

For awhile there, every post I attempted to write turned into an ode to Dayquil. Or Vicks Vapor Rub. Or whatever I happened to be taking at that time. And I just couldn't put my invisible Internet friends through that (as opposed to this winner of a post ;) ). I'm telling you - it was NOT a pretty time in my life.

But all is well! You know WHY, friends?

Because it's FALL, people. Cleary, unmistakably, unequivocally FALL in Mississippi!

The temperature at our workouts in the mornings (<--- YEP - still happenin'!) have been ranging in the low- to mid-40s (FORTIES!!!!!) and the mid- to high-SIXTIES in the evenings!!!!!


All the fall lovers say HEYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

BUT! Let's move on and talk about SOME STUFF for Friday:

one. Little Big Town's new album Painkiller is official HERE. Can we say pumped? I'm THISCLOSE to getting it but I've been instructed NOT to buy anything until after my birthday next week. We'll see how this goes.

two. Did you SEE the new Avengers trailer? Did anyone else's heart COMPLETELY BREAK when they saw this???????

No, Marvel! Not Captain America! DO NOT TOUCH THE CAPTAIN!

I was slightly hyperventilating distraught and had to Google to find out JUST HOW MANY more movies Chris Evans has signed on for before I could breathe again.

three. I just typed "Chris Rogers" by mistake because we had to RE-WATCH "Captain America: The First Avenger" last night and IT'S STILL FRESH.

Side note: I don't know if I've mentioned it on here before, but I was a little late to the Marvel movies party, but I'm only SLIGHTLY hooked (thank you MARRIAGE). To be COMPLETELY honest, I'd never seen any of the movies (apart from the first and second Iron Man) until just a few months ago. 

Aaaaaaaaand then we knocked them out in about a week. But I doubt I'll read the comics. I'm not sure if I can go there.


four. We drank THIS while on vacation. Chocolate Chip Cookie Crumble Latte. What the WHAAAAAAT. I have dreams about this stuff.

five. I've forgotten number five. I think it's because I got all hot 'n' bothered watching the Avengers trailer again and now it's all I can think about. Not to mention THAT MUSIC.

{{Go ahead. Go listen to it. CREEPY!!!!}}

Happy weekend party people!!!!!!!

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